Thursday 13 October 2016

Kevin Hart Uses Britney Spears' "Meltdown" to Prove That "Fame Is False"

Kevin Hart understands the perks of fame, but he also sees the downsides of becoming a headline staple.

The What Now? star talked to Kenan Thompson for an intimate SiriusXM Town Hall at Caroline's Comedy Club Wednesday and explained that he tries to keep his personal life and public life separate in order to prevent any problems—both personally and professionally.

"It's not like your life changes because of the level of success that you have. At the end of the day people are people. If you come up to take a picture of me and I'm with my kids, I'm gonna politely tell you, 'Hey man, I appreciate your support, but I'm on daddy time right now,'" he said. "As a person you should understand that."

Kevin Hart: Movie Star

Hart, whose career has skyrocketed over the past few years thanks to box office hits, is aware that fame is fleeting, but he also wanted to remind the listeners to realize the same. To prove his point, Hart used Britney Spears' ups and downs in the industry as an example of how fame can make—and sometimes break—a person.

"Fame is false. This s--t ain't real. It can be snatched from you. Look at how many stars they build up to beat down," he explained. "Look at Britney Spears when she was the hottest thing ever. Then Britney went through a meltdown and everybody is like 'Well we don't know about this f--king chick here.' Then she got back again and everybody was like, 'We love you Britney!' It was like 'What?!' You're f--king all over the place people."

Because he's so aware of how the industry works, and how quickly fans can turn on a celebrity, Hart insists that he's not going to have a "meltdown" like Spears did in 2007.

"That's what the world is about. We want to build you up, but man is this s--t going to be funny when you fall down. She shaved her head, goddamn! You can't allow yourself to be put in that position. You're not going to see me go crazy. I'll tell you that right now. Y'all can kiss my ass if you think I'm going to go crazy."

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